The humans behind

We are dedicated to spreading love and joy in the world. Our mission is to make it easy for people to connect and experience the beauty of being human.

Spread the love with us!

Having coached and explored human behaviour for over three decades,

it became obvious to me that any strategies to fix, cope or transcend aspects of being human only brought short-term relief, at best.

Indeed, much of our suffering is actually multiplied by these attempts, increasing our resistance to the many natural aspects of being human we have been conditioned to avoid.

Yet, it is in the absence of resistance that love arises.

As with all things, without resistance life flows with more ease, relationships and businesses prosper, and we are free to experience the infinite potential of our creativity and joy.

The deeper we come to understand the nature of our experience and natural aspects of ourselves, the deeper the compassion our understanding brings, the more resistance seems to subside, leaving us free to simply Love Being Human.

Find out more about Phil and Loving Being Human at or on Facebook.

This guy loves being alive and invites you to do so too.

Going through quite some shit made him see on thing clearly: Love is most likely what you are missing if you are feeling unfulfilled by your everyday life. Being human isn't that complicated. There are so many ways to creating a life that you love. Yet, doing it is a great challenge for most of us. The more we understand our own experience, our own selves, the more we naturally learn to navigate our unique way of being human - even appreciating it. This in turn brings more ease, clarity and powerful actions into your everyday life.

Talk to him if you want to find a way to create a life you love too. Or basically anything you want to create in your life!

Check out or his social media

to find out more about him and his work.

Veronika Grader

Veronika an artist and bodyworker. She is dedicated to creativity and healing in mind and soul.

With her art she brings forth a sense of energy and beauty. Inspired by nature and the spiritual part of being human she creates images that evoke Presence and Connection. It's her way of sharing her Love with you and this world.

With her skilful work as a body worker she connects people with their bodies and helps them transform their relationship to their body and the past that it embodies.

See her art and watch her story unfold on insta:

Leonhard Pessl

Phil Goddard

What about you?